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The Ready.Set.Retire! Blog

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 068: How to Master Blending Your Family with Your Spouse's Family

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

In its most basic sense, a blended family is one where the parents have children from previous relationships, but all the members come together as one unit. Consider the...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 067: A Mother's Journey Through Her Son's Mental Illness, Addiction, and Suicide

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

The abuse of prescription opioids is a serious national crisis. While the opioid epidemic has been declared a national public health emergency, in Maine the situation is...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 066: Selling Dead People's Things

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

It’s time to part with our things, or with a relative's things! How do we get the most value from them? What about the collections that we've obsessed over during our...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 065: The Ins and Outs of Medicare

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

Today we turn 65! What's one thing that every retiree is eligible for when they reach age 65? Medicare, right? Of course, we had to wait for our podcast to be Medicare...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 064: Understanding the Impacts of Inflation on Retirement

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

One thing that we have been discussing a lot with our clients recently is, inflation. As we retire and we think we have so much money to live on and all of a sudden,...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 063: Practicing Gratitude in the Face of Adversity

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). Gratitude is a thankful...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 062: Understanding an Alzheimer's Diagnosis

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

Currently, more than 29,000 people in Maine are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and over 46,000 caregivers provide 68,000,000 hours in unpaid care. Dementia caregivers...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 061: How to START Being a Bad Widow

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

A few months back, one of our clients that we work with in our practice lost her husband after sudden cognitive decline. It was terrible, but also now, she, the spouse...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 060: Write Your Book and Get Published!

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

One thing that we hear all the time from our clients – “You know what? I could write a book!”

And we will add, our clients are great storytellers! They've lived many...

The Retirement Success in Maine Podcast Ep 059: Really Experiencing Food in Retirement

Benjamin Smith, CFA

Executive Summary

When working with retirees like as do, we know that one thing our clients generally like to do as a special treat is to go out to eat at restaurants, right? Sometimes we...